Just a quick update to say SEOSimple 2.1 has been released, and now has a Joomla 2.5
I’ve also added an option that allows you to define whether you wish your category description to be used as the category page’s meta description. Optionally, you can use the content of the top-most article in the category listing. If set to “category description”, and no category description is available, it will default to the top-most article’s content (which was what occurred in SEOSimple 2.0). This is actually a re-addition, as this behavior was (and still is) standard in the original Joomla 1.5 version of the plugin. As such, if you’re still using Joomla 1.5, there’s no update for you, as no new features were added.
You can go here and download the plugin directly, or visit the official SEOSimple homepage for more details and instructions. And please report any problems you have either on the SEO Simple Support Forum, or in the comments on the SEOSimple home page (preferably the support forum).
And please, if you use SEOSimple and find it useful, vote for the plugin at the Joomla Extensions site.