When I initially began this blog as an extension of my design business, I wanted a place where I could write about various tips and tricks I come across due to spending an overly large portion of my day online.
Recently I’ve begun to refocus this blog as being more an outlet to discuss the happenings of Dao By Design, as well as other related news or topics from the field – including design, making money online, and the likes.
Not wanting to give up my love for finding neat tricks and modifications for all the things I use in my day-to-day life, I’ve partnered up with a good friend, and fellow tech-head, Rick Martin to create Tip. Trick. Mod. – a multi-authored blog focused on delivering …well… tips, tricks and mods.
We’ve only a handful of posts at the moment, but are slowly building up our archives. We are also looking for writers. If you’re at all interested in sharing your advice on items that customize your day, please check out our Write For Us page for all the details (including details on our revenue sharing model).
You can also find Tip. Trick. Mod. on Twitter or simply subscribe to the Tip. Trick. Mod. RSS feed for instant updates.